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Point-Load Strength Test

Having an index to display rock resistance is very useful. This index should be determined easily and inexpensively. Nowadays, this index is determined by using a point load test. In this test, the sample is loaded between two steel cones and the stone breaks through stretching cracks along the loading axis. The point load is calculated by the following equation:
IS= P⁄D2
Where the P is loading at the moment of fracture and D is the distance between the vertices of the cones at the moment of the sample fracture. In action, the sample size is effective in the results. Therefore, standard size will be required thus, a cylindrical sample with a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 1.4 times of the diameter, is required. In cases where the sample size is different from this value, correction must be made by using the appropriate tables or formulas.


ASTM D5731

  • Point_Load_11

Technical Specification:

Ordering Code:


5 Ton
Maximum sample diameter:
100 mm
Approximate weight:
32 Kg
35×27×57 Cm
Load Reading:
400-bars power sensor which is display on digital monitor
ADD: No. 52, 12m ROOZ Alley, 16m BOSTAN St.,
        ZARRIN DASHT Industrial Zone, DABAGHCHI St.,
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